Community Councils are the most local tier of statutory representation in Scotland. They bridge the gap between local authorities and communities, and help to make public bodies aware of the opinions and needs of the communities they represent. Community Councils, unlike other community organisations, are statutorily included in the consultation process for all planning applications affecting the area. There are also specific powers in relation to licensing. Community Councils are non-party-political.
The primary purpose of Mid Deeside Community Council is to ascertain and express the views of the community to Aberdeenshire Council and other public bodies.
Mid Deeside Community Council represents Dinnet, Glen Tanar, Aboyne, Kincardine O’ Neil and outlying areas.
The Mid Deeside Community Council is also currently active in other community projects including development of a Community Action Plan, Christmas lights in Aboyne, negotiations with relevant authorities towards improving facilities at the Deeside Community Centre, street signage, roads and lighting improvements.
Meetings, open to all, are held from 7 till 9 pm on the forth Tuesday of each month, in the Learning Plaza, Aboyne Library, Deeside Community Centre, Aboyne. (There are no meetings in July and December)