Hospital Investigation Project

Kincardine O’Neil Hospital Investigation 2017

Current “archaeological” project to clarify some of the history of the Auld Kirk and its ruins


  1. To undertake planned and linked activities to investigate and document the history of what is known as the “Durward Hospital (c1233)” in Kincardine O’Neil.
    • 1a – To engage with local stake-holders including community groups, residents in the mid-Deeside area and others.
  2. To bring together experts from a range of disciplines who can build an authoritative account of the Auld Kirk and its associated ruins.
    • 2a To involve specialists from a range of disciplines: e.g. archaeology; church history; medieval history; geography and topography
  3. To organise and promote events during investigations that involve the local community and others who have an interest in history and heritage.
  4. To give the local community an increased awareness of their own identity through a more direct connection with the history of Kincardine O’Neil
  5. To record and publish accounts of activities and the history of the Auld Kirk and its associated ruins