On 14th August 1057 Malcolm Canmore, seeking revenge on King Macbeth for the murder of his father, rested in Kincardine O’Neil overnight with Macduff and a small band of followers. The following morning Macduff, leading his men, caught up with Macbeth near Lumphanan, just 3 miles to the north, and slew him. Tradition says that he brought Macbeth’s head back to Kincardine O’Neil on a golden platter. Malcolm later became King Malcolm III. Shakespeare’s version, while it makes an excellent play, is not very accurate when it comes to location, but why let facts get in the way of a good story!
King David 1st passed through Kincardine O’Neil on his way North to Moray. It is believed he might even have stopped in the village. This was part of the campaign David fought to bring feudalism to Scotland. His opponents crossed and re-crossed Deeside many times via Kincardine O’Neil.