The Kincardine O’Neil Branch of Royal British Legion Scotland was formed in 1926 and has at present 14 members. The Torphins branch amalgamated with the Kincardine O’Neil branch in April 2008.
Many years ago meetings used to be held on a regular basis in the “Roomie” and the branch used to compete in various competitions such as whist, cribbage, darts and dominos run by the Deeside Zone of RBLS during the winter months. Although meetings are not now held on a regular basis some members participate in the yearly bowling competitions held by the Deeside Zone and if successful go forward to the area competition the next year.
The branch recently celebrated the 90th anniversary of the branch with a meal for members and partners at the Ravenswood Banchory. During the evening William Milne was presented with a certificate for being a member for over 60years.
Current office bearers are as follows;
Chairman – Ian Stewart
Vice Chairman – Archie Crawford
Secretary/ Treasurer – Edward Mathers